Let's Win!

Learn English to Win The World!

English Conversation Strategy #2: Common Expressions and Responses

Today we go into the second discussion for the conversation strategy common expressions and responses. Here we learn how to respond when I hear someone say "thank you" and "I'm sorry" as follows:

When People Say...You can say...
Thank you.You're welcome.
I'm sorry.That's OK.
I'm sorry. I don't know.That's OK. Thanks anyway.

Let's take a look some conversations below:

A. You're late. B. I'm sorry. A. That's OK.

A. Can I borrow your book, please?
B. Sure.
A. Thanks.
B. You're welcome.

A. What's the word for this?
B. I don't know. Sorry.
A. That's OK. What about this?
B. I don't know.
A. OK. Thanks anyway.

How are my friends? Easy enough? :)

Source: Touchstone

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